Thursday 25 October 2012

Game Scriptwriting Talk

Scriptwriting in games is becoming a more and more important aspect of the gaming industry as games developers are starting to realize that story elements are as important as multiplayer features - and it is often story elements that require games to spawn sequels or prequels - a notable example being the Call of Duty single-player campaigns of which I am quite fond of. The multiplayer mode I don't much care for. But if the story is good players will want to see where it goes and may very well purchase a prequel or sequel for this reason alone. Other examples I can name off the top of my head are the Warcraft RTS series and MMORPG, Splinter Cell, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, and more recently the new Lara Croft.

Most importantly, I think, is that fans will grow attached to the story and if it deviates from it's original appeal, the game title may find itself pulling in new interest at the cost of losing the interest of those it had previously earned. Many game sequels or prequels have had this happen.

I do not consider myself has someone who is trying to get into video game script-writing, though I am fond of writing and I may give it a go in my spare time, looking into how video game scripts are prepared so that I could give it a go.

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