Thursday 29 September 2011


The photoshop induction proved to be very helpful and show me a few new tricks on the programme that will definitely facilitate the production of any work produced on photoshop. I was able to utilize these new skills and produce this picture. This included using a screen layer to introduce a planet in the atmosphere, something I was familiar with but not aware of in this potential as I previously used it in my snow effect. I also learned how to create realistic lightning using photoshop but didn't use it in this picture.

During my next photoshop session I was able to use a Wacom pen tablet and produced several images portraying Dorian, my developed character. It is my first time using a pen tablet in a long time and given my inexperience with it I am proud of my accomplishment. I feel I could do much better if I did it again however as I learned many techniques and shortcuts that would produce better artwork, that I learned through trial and error when producing this picture. I know with confidence that the next few pictures I produce on photoshop will not only look better but will be produced quicker altogether.

I finished with a facial portrait of Dorian that I primarily used to practice shading. The shot doesn't include the full width of his hat, and personally, he doesn't have the English aesthetic I try to keep him with. I personally think this is due to the stylised eyes I gave him in this picture, and the tanned skin tone. However, it taught me I should be consistent with the skin tone and hair colour and other aesthetic features that are unlikely to undergo a drastic change.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

In trying to portray Dorian the way I want him I've had some trouble with how. I picture Dorian without his hat, where he is kind, even gentle; deceiving everyone and completely the opposite of his real, hidden nature; a malevolent, evil, plotting trickster who is really smiling at the thought of the guard he had tortured for fun. When his hat lowered, and covered his eyes, his appearance changes completely, and instead of a regal clothed mage, he becomes a shrouded necromancer, a silhouette of wickedness.

I've found that by giving him a bigger mouth than I would usually give a character, his smiles appear bigger and friendlier, without seeming too forced when the hat is lifted. When his hat is lowered and his eyes are no longer visible again, I find that the effect instantly becomes one of secrets, that the character knows the secrets of everyone around him and is able to expose them at any moment, a wolfish, predatory grin.

I am personally surprised at how subtle a change can make such a noticeable impact on not only the character but the thoughts that he conveys.

Here are some of the photos I took whilst at the muesuem, collecting images that would help inspire and develop Dorian as a character.

An Inspirational Concept Artist 1 - Peter Lee, Moodboard, Initial Character Ideas.

All images under the 'An Inspirational Concept Artist' blog posts belong to their respective owners and producers as named in the number and title of the blog post. I do not claim ownership over any of the pictures used in the Inspirational Concept Artist blog section.

Some of the concept art I have been looking at for inspiration for my character development is from artists such as 'Samwise', Peter Lee, and others who work for Blizzard Entertainment, the games production company which has already inspired me throughout the last few years.

Peter Lee's artwork for World of Warcraft has been unique and insightful for the world designers and the developers. The artwork is original and appropriately styalized, with the colouring varying depending on the mood the art wishes to set.

Above, the interior Auchindoun, in Terrokar Forest (artwork copyright Peter Lee). Below, the exterior of Auchindoun, in-game.

Peter Lee produces concept art outside of the Warcraft-related universe with varying subjects and concepts. He utilizes a fine vagueness to his work that allows the viewer to piece together the artwork with their imagination, drawing the eyes to keen details such as the skulls in the bottom-right corner and the stormy sky, creating atmosphere.

Above two pieces of artwork copyright Peter Lee / (and / or Blizzard Entertainment). Screenshot copyright of Blizzard Entertainment.

From the outing when we took pictures around within the museum I also focused on the architecture; and found myself inspired by archaic pillars and buildings reminiscent of the victorian era. I knew somewhat instantly I would be comfortable developing a character set in this age at least for this reason alone. I produced a moodboard from a series of research images of victorian clothing and combined it with my own ideas for a fantasy interpretation of a victorian styled era.

The character I wanted quickly took shape - a villain. However, the role and type of this villain would be one of wit, intelligence and wealth, rather than brute strength. The idea of a man who, in daylight, or to common knowledge, was good, whereas he was secretly some crime or cult lord. This idea invoked many early ideas of which I produced sketches - a maddened mage-experimentor who shifts his hands into claws, or the secretive leader of a cult of rising power within my character's early victorian-esque  post-Edwardian-esque fantasy setting.

The idea of Dorian Dolosus (literally Dorian the Deciever) began to take root; the iconic aesthetic of his appearance being the wide-brimmed hat that would distinguish him even as a silhouette. The masking of his eyes also give him a mysterious appearance that is well deserved with his mysterious nature. With his hat off he assumes the role of a friendly noble man, which contrasts with his deceptive nature.

Friday 16 September 2011


Hello. I'm Joel. This is my blog. If you like it, that's good.

I'll post stuff I like here. Here are a few things.
A website hosting funny / entertaining / educational / interesting or weird videos related to just about anything. You can find entire documentaries, animations, short films. Check on it regularly for good stuff.
My personal YouTube channel. I mainly use it to save videos to favourites. My own videos are terrible, not worth watching, bad, weird, terrible, and not worth matching, and bad. The only (and only) reason I make them is because I can make money off them with Google Adsense.
You'd find various videos of interest, educational or comedic value in my favourites playlist as well as a pretty good idea of my interests.

Tales of the Past III is the third part in a series of World of Warcraft made machinima produced and directed by Martin Falch. It was very well received within the machinima community on, received a high rating and praise virtally unheard of. Martin Falch very quickly gained a reputation for the feature-film length machinima. I'd reccomend anyone watch it although the since the quality of machinima should be appreciated to anyone familiar with the genre.
Exactly what it says it is.
Some sketches / pictures / screenshots of work related / mostly inspired by World of Warcraft, as well as original work. Note some of the pictures are quite old and I put the pictures up for the 5 or 6 friends interested in my stuff. Criticism and advice welcome, always looking to improve.
