Tuesday 27 September 2011

In trying to portray Dorian the way I want him I've had some trouble with how. I picture Dorian without his hat, where he is kind, even gentle; deceiving everyone and completely the opposite of his real, hidden nature; a malevolent, evil, plotting trickster who is really smiling at the thought of the guard he had tortured for fun. When his hat lowered, and covered his eyes, his appearance changes completely, and instead of a regal clothed mage, he becomes a shrouded necromancer, a silhouette of wickedness.

I've found that by giving him a bigger mouth than I would usually give a character, his smiles appear bigger and friendlier, without seeming too forced when the hat is lifted. When his hat is lowered and his eyes are no longer visible again, I find that the effect instantly becomes one of secrets, that the character knows the secrets of everyone around him and is able to expose them at any moment, a wolfish, predatory grin.

I am personally surprised at how subtle a change can make such a noticeable impact on not only the character but the thoughts that he conveys.

Here are some of the photos I took whilst at the muesuem, collecting images that would help inspire and develop Dorian as a character.

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