Thursday 10 January 2013

Public Exhibition

Reflecting on the Power to the Pixels event that we held at the MAP Gallery before Christmas break, I've come to consider the benefits or concerns it has raised on a professional and personal level.

Firstly, because the event was public, I and likely many others felt obliged to set up their work in a presentable manner, and make plans to accommodate for the fact that we would need to present out work to people who wouldn't necessarily understand the processes involved in it. This meant that it wasn't a case of presenting a lot of information on the work we would be presenting - mostly in the form of concept art and images, but presenting the right kind of information.

I opted to demonstrate development and considerations made when designing the character for one poster, and show the final results in another poster and I think it came out quite well. It outlined what my design processes were and what it eventually came to.

It became apparent that most people don't fully understand what goes into creating a game and the work involved behind the smallest details. The work was well received and I felt I learned a little something about myself in presenting my own work openly. It is difficult for me to say whether demonstrating your ability to someone in the industry or with knowledge in it is a tougher experience, as you can feel judged and criticised. On the other hand, it might be easier to explain your work and they can sympathise and relate to the work effort involved.

On the whole though it was a good and necessary experience and I feel proud to mention it is something I have done and taken part of. It couldn't have been possible by myself alone and I feel because of this, the power of collaborative efforts is made manifest in this exhibition above all other points so far.

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