Friday 8 March 2013

Visual Effects - Close Encounters of the Third Kind

One of my inspirations for special effects came from Steven Spielberg's 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind'. Douglas Trumbull was the visual effects supervisor whilst Carlo Rambaldi designed the aliens; both of which I can say have the biggest influence in my current ideas for what I want to do in my own work. Apparently the look of the spaceship was inspired off an oil rig that Spielberg saw off the coast of India at night, opting for a more fluorescent look rather than the metallic appeal of Star Wars.

I saw this film at a young age on holiday so whenever I think of anything remotely to do the aliens I establish some sort of connection with this film, like most might do with Star Wars. Whilst I do think Star Wars is good, this film was amongst the last sci-fi films to be produced without CGI as at the time it was new technology and very expensive, so Spielberg decided against it.

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