Friday 8 March 2013

Filming Day

I came back to Leeds from holiday break on a Thursday to do my shots for the film, as well as be filmed for anyone else who wanted to film me. Luckily, it seems that everyone was keen on using Tim.

This was the first time I had done green screen filming for myself. I would usually want to be behind the camera but as I wanted to act, it meant being in front of it - but I don't mind doing that either. I had to remember to bring the same clothes as I had worn for the previous shot. This practically meant just wearing my usual jacket, boots, and the same pair of pants. I had to remember not to put my glasses on during the shot.

As it turns out I did change shirt but as my jacket was done up it didn't really matter as you couldn't tell. Although I did learn that being filmed in front of very hot lights makes you very very warm. I got several shots so I had plenty of choice in which shots I wanted to use. The whole day involved a lot of mucking about from the early hours until lunch break, and a lot of cramming until 4pm which was as late as we could go until we needed to leave. Luckily I made sure I got all the footage I need. I got some shots using the crane, but I had never planned on using it and so lost nothing of value in not using it.

Overall it was quite a fun day and again it reminded me that my enjoyment is still divided between film, games, and animation. I'm hoping I can narrow it down soon. I took three or four takes of each scene, though as they're only about ten seconds long at best, it didn't take long. About a minute in total of footage of me just looking around making scared or unimpressed faces, and three or four takes of me blasting an energy beam out of my mouth - which I enthusiastically provided sound effects for as I did it.

In the meantime I helped around with other people's shots when not being filmed or filming, myself. I held up extra green screen for scenes that required a wider shot angle, and generally assisted as I imagine a set assistant might. I have to thank my local barber shop for closing early a few days before I left as I didn't get my hair cut before coming back to Leeds - otherwise I would have had to come up with an explanation as to why my hair had suddenly gotten shorter after being beamed onto the ship. I'd forgotten about that potential continuity error.

I was a bit worried about the shadows on the green screen  I would rather the green be as consistant as possible. In the end though I think I can make the footage we have work quite well. The scenes are all very well lit and my clothes are just about as opposite as possible. 

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