Friday 8 March 2013

Visual Effects - Studio - Double Negative

A modern CGI company, Double Negative have since produced effects for films like Inception, The Dark Knight Rises, The Bourne Legacy and Snow White & the Huntsman, Skyfall, and and many many more since their formation in 1998. They have produced some very notable films over the recent years and it is fresh to see that they are a London based company, rather than Hollywood, even if many of the films they are involved in happen to be American / Hollywood cinema.

It's quite amazing to think one company was involved with so many films. I have seen just about all of them besides one or two in each year in most cases.

However, Double Negative themselves are looking to promote the British film industry with their project production division, looking to get involved with films in the 2 to 10 million GBP budget range. Whilst I can't say I could apply for this soon, I can safely say that in one way or another, probably even without me knowing because of the vast range of films they have made, they have inspired me and educated me in the role VFX plays in the industry.

I chose to obtain John Carter clips to use here because as a film I enjoyed it; I credit the financial failure of the film to a lack of appropriate distribution by Disney. Many of the environments, characters, and spaceships in the film were originally designed and created.

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