Monday 15 April 2013

Identity notes

To introduce historical conceptions of identity

To introduce Foucault’s ‘discourse’ methodology

To place and critique contemporary practice within these frameworks, and to consider their validity

To consider ‘postmodern’ theories of identity as ‘fluid’ and ‘constructed’ (in particular Zygmunt Bauman)

To consider identity today, especially in the digital domain

Theories; Essentialism, Biological Identity, Inner Essence (soul?)

Physiognomy, Phrenology - Hieronymous Bosch, Christ carrying cross oil painting

Pre modern identity – personal identity is stable defined by long standing roles

Modern identity – modern societies offer a wider range of social roles. Possibility to start ‘choosing’ your identity, rather than being born into it. People start to worry about who they are

Post-modern identity – identity is constructed

Masquerade and the mask of femininity, wonderbra adverts

'Yes, indeed, identity is revealed to us only as something to be invented rather than discovered, as a target of an effort, an objective' - Bauman, 'I think therefore I am' - Rene Descartes, 'I shop therefore I am' - Barbara Kruger, 1987

There was a lot to think about in this lecture but it was very subjective to vague ideas, concepts and thoughts; I think identity is the result of many things - it is neither inherited nor earned by interacting with other people and environments and cultures alone but generated slowly over a long period of time, though it has been insightful to see what others make of identity and how it is formed. It has been eye-opening and insightful and I believe I can make use of it in my area of study, especially in character development.

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