This pixel art by Mark Ferrari is brilliantly done. It cycles through different times of the day, and I enjoy looking at it. But you can also see how Mark has worked with a limited amount of pixels to create an intense amount of detail, and it is through studying artist's work like Mark's that I hope I can get a better grasp of colour and apply it to my own work.
These are nothing short of amazing to me. More than likely photographic references are used. It makes use of colour cycling, used in some of the earlier console games in 8 / 16 bit systems. They remind me somewhat of the old Guilty Gear stage background. Most of the images make use of water as a moving component, though there are some where the water comes in the form of rain.
Mark created these between 1987 / 2010 for backgrounds in games for desktop and mobile phone use.
Even so, whilst I don't expect I'll create something like this myself, I think a lot can be learned by looking at the way Mark uses colour - in the waves, rocks, trees - in everything. In particular, you can tell where the source of light is in all the scenes, and there is a stark contrast in the colours used that help portray this.
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