Saturday, 3 May 2014

Mudbox Testing

I brought the alien model into Mudbox to briefly test some ideas I had and I'm satisfied that I can use it for the purposes I have in mind. However, there are still things to address before that happens.

There are many tasks that I need to complete beforehand. The models need to be smoothed before I can truly get started and achieve accurate results - as can be seen here - and they need to be appropriately UV mapped so that paint and textures do not spread.

There are still issues with polygons and vertices that are marked out in red, but this is useful as it makes it easier to find them in Maya, and so I regularly exported versions of the alien and poltergiest to Mudbox in order to locate rogue vertices and edges, as well as any other areas which may cause problems. I also took note of how to partially smooth models, as I obviously want to keep the sharp edges of the spikes at it's side and teeth at the front.

Some of the problems was that many faces had multiple vertices. I had likely deleted edges carelessly and caused this to happen, but addressed it after it started presenting problems. This was done through a multitude of solutions which ranged from either adding or deleting more edges, using the interactive split tool, thereby reducing or increasing the amount of polygons in the area to the necessary levels.

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