Saturday 28 January 2012

3D Animation - The Gift

Undoubtedly one of my new favourite short films, realistic 3D animation is introduced into a real environment setting. By Carl Erik Rinsch, The narrative is constantly kept me questioning, curious, guessing and assuming, and the setting is introduced early through the appearance of a robotic dog, suggesting it takes place in the future. I found it all very well portrayed, in respect of both the cinematography and the soundtrack.

It it is a very sincere and realistic animation and despite being short, gave me the cinematic experience that I mentioned in the last short I watched, The Incident at Tower 37. This may be because the animation better fits in to a real life scenario and can be described as more mature because of the content.

It has a lot of action and is a very impressive example of utilizing 3D animation in a real world environment. The narrative revolves around an object, and we never truely learn what it is or what it does, but only that it is of great value to whoever owns it. Whilst the film isn't driven entirely by the narrative, I do find the mysterious nature of it very intriguing as audience are left to their own devices of whether to establish what characters are the good ones and which are the bad ones.

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