Tuesday 31 January 2012

Instructional Video

For the first part of the module in preparation for realising what role I would like to play in the production of films I would be making of later on, we were to produce a one minute long instructional video on whatever subject we wished. I made my video on how to prepare a curry using a recipe I had improved earlier on in the fortnite and felt it would not be overly challenging to film in terms of location, and would allow me to focus more on shots, cinematography, and take into account variables such as lighting whilst eliminating other possible obstructions such as weather conditions.

I asked my flatmate to film and basically told her what I would be doing. I said that I would not be recording sound, believing I would use a soundtrack in place of the video sound. However, I did use the video sound, albiet at a quieter level. I had the shots focused mostly on the hands and had text to detail any necessary information about what I was doing, e.g which ingredients to cut and how to cut them, and how long to cook the ingredients for (roughly). Curry is fairly simply to make and my own recipe was no exception.

Some feedback I got on the video was that some of the handheld shots I took without the tripod were quite shaky. I agreed and acknowledged that I should keep the camera zoomed out when handheld to reduce the shakiness of the shot, or simply have the camera brought around on the tripod. However, I also insist that the shots were viable, useful and informative. I received some questions on why I included the sound of people talking in the background. 

I explained it was to give the video a less professional, ameteur portrayal of my cooking and reflect my home life. I made the video somewhat comedic, e.g pop culture phrases such as 'like a boss'and 'epic success'. This was purely to make uncomplicated actions and procedures seem overly rewarding and dramatic. The video had an informal feel to it which was my original concept. I also kept the sound of the food being fried in order to make the food seem appetizing, which I think worked quite well considering I get hungry every time I watch it.

I know the video is far from perfect I recieved some good comments and feedback via anonymous and various internet users and subscribers to my YouTube account. Some were impressed by it and were not aware that this project has in fact been my first real attempt at editing a video.

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