Tuesday 31 January 2012

Even More Filming Again - Again!

When we arrived back in Ilkley more after a faster trip, given we were more familiar with the way there now, we noticed it was much better weather, accurate to the weather forecast checked on earlier. We went back to our previous location, discussed what we would be filming, and began without much hassle. As the day progressed, we recieved some nice weather, and I think we all appreciate how lucky we were to get such good footage in our shots. It was described as having all four seasons, as we had filmed both the dull dampness of autumn, the cold of winter, the brightness of spring and the sunlight of summer towards the end of the film.

We also used the boom pole microphone to record dialogue audio, and we had to be careful with what we filmed soundwise. I decided if necessary I would make use of the BBC sound library to fill in what we couldn't get.

The 'fight scene' we conducted took many takes from many different angles though in my own opinion, upon reflection, I would have wanted more. Still, working with what we had, I think we achieved a good result. We had a lot of footage and I thought perhaps that the fight scene might need to be scrapped and we could change the film's plot slightly into something that was still narrative driven but not as abstract, but with enough post production we found workaround and brought the overall length of the film closer to 2 minutes.

I played my part in arranging the artstyle and cinematography of the second film a little more than the first one. In the first film I was always acting and could never see the shots until they were made, or have them set up using someone else to model for the shot. In the second film though I was not infront of the camera until the second day of shooting, and was able to hold the camera and take a few of the shots myself, as well as the normal arranging of my own shots.

I worked in respect with Tim's storyline and consistantly referred to what happens in the storyboard, what angle and at what distance this scene must be shot, and why this specific shot would work well when followed by the next shot. I would like to think that at some point we often thought about shots in their pairs, and would not consider the first without also considering what would happen after, analysing whether it would look strange or out of place in comparison to other shots used throughout the rest of the film. We also captured the same scene using many different shots and camera angles, as demonstrated with the fight scene at the end, but more subtley so when the character I play extends a hand towards Tim's character in order to help him off the ground.

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