Tuesday 31 January 2012

Letter of Request for Liberty Park

Whilst filming for our first film project at my student residence at Liberty Park, we were spotted by staff who alerted me to the fact that written permission was needed to film on location. Naturally, I assumed this was so the student accodation knew that what we were filming would not misrepresent the residence in any way they would not agree with. We spoke with the administrator and learned that the film should not contain any sex, drugs, or violence. As our film involved no such themes, I composed this letter and earned permission from the administrator to film on sight. I took it upon myself to sort this out.

I also obtained a copy of the agreement of loaning equipment from the college to give the the administrator as well so that they were assured they would not be held accountable if any of it were broken there.

This wasn't something I was aware of during my instructional video, but as that video contained none of those themes either, no harm done I suppose.

In development of a first year (Level 4) film project at the Leeds College of Art, I am requesting permission to capture and record film footage of the Liberty Park student accommodation. The film is 2 minutes long and will be based on a poem, and will not contain any themes of sex, drugs, violence or any inappropriate behaviour that will represent Liberty Park in a negative manner. The equipment is loaned from the college and as such the filming group are responsible for it’s safekeeping and maintaining condition.

            Joel McCusker

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