Sunday 15 January 2012

3D Animation - The Saga of Bjorn

A short film by 'The Animation Workshop', I liked it because of the artstyle and narrative, as well as how the story of the character was told. The artstyle is similar to some other animations I have seen before but I feel this is the best example of portraying 3D animation in an almost 2D way. In comparison to 2D animation that I typically prefer, on a personal note, I like it a lot. However, it doesn't have the seem artistic touch as 2D animations typically do, even if the animation itself is very well stylised. The cinematography in the animation is nothing that cannot already be expected, but I still like it an awful lot. All the shots are well composed and I can almost picture the storyboard myself, picking out minor details that contribute a great deal. Some of the shots used arguably are the best choice for contorting the particular ideas the animators with to portray. The music and soundtrack were also well composed and used. The sound in an animation often contributes more than most people can appreciate or realise, as it sets the atmosphere and can can highlight or emphasise what happens.

Overall I feel like the Saga of Bjorn is an excellent little animation and a gem amongst animated short films. It has great comedic value and an even more interesting art style.

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