Friday 17 January 2014

Character Design V

Having settled on a character, it was time to compare and contrast the proportions. I started with the face, and used basic horizontal lines to mark out features. Whilst sometimes the height, width or length of certain features are changed - for example, the height or size of the mouth, nose or eyes are altered, I don't believe it is necessary to change all of these variables. However, that may change as I produce the actual design. 

I tried something similar here with another character for comparison. I worked with more lines to give the character a real outline, making them look more cartoon-esque, and also gave them stylized features such as more exaggerated eyes, with minimal detail on the nose and mouth. I can at least be content with this progress, but I still think the above character has reflected better than the second character - the one I have decided to go ahead with, has. Rather than simply change my mind though, I opt to face the problem and coin a design I can be content with.

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