Tuesday 14 January 2014


For my practical work I am going to demonstrate the effects that the mature themes in a video game have on character design.

My intent initially was to design two characters, one who is adequate for a game with minimal use of mature themes, and another who is more adequate for extensive use. But instead I will opt to identify the key differences between the designs and use those as references for designing a single character, who will have two designs. This means that whilst the character is the same, it will be presented differently so that the distinct differences between the contents of the games' effect on character design is most noticeable.

To use these images as a quick example, you can tell that these games have a visual difference between them. Street Fighter's characters are heavily stylised, whilst the characters from Tekken look more realistic. You can see how the design of the Tekken character, Kazuya, changes as he is adopted in the art style of Street Fighter in Street Fighter X Tekken.

I will set to work identifying the characteristics.

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