Tuesday 14 January 2014


I produced a questionnaire, compiling and composing a list of quantitative and qualitative questions in order to retrieve and collect data of the same variety.

I have arranged the questions into the best order I can, although I plan to use a service that would allow some questions to appear only if another prior is selected, meaning people only have to answer the relevant questions.

There are too many questions, I feel, and will likely use data from the most important or most relevant - how that will be determined I suppose, will fall down to the results I find. I am willing to bet that not many people would be put off by a larger questionnaire and I would probably get more results with a shorter, more concise set of questions.

In the meantime I can consider which questions those shall be.

Mature Themes in Video Games

The purpose of this survey is to collect data from a wide range of diverse sources as to establish an unbiased perspective on the affect of video games on those who play them or don’t.

|*Throughout the survey, mature video games refer to themes such as violence, horror, sex, racism, and fear.

Male or Female?
M / F

Age group?
15 – 17
18 – 21
22 – 25
26 – 30
31 – 35
36 – 40
41 – 45
46 – 60
51 – 65

Do you consider yourself a video games enthusiast?
Yes / No

Would you consider yourself an enthusiast of any other of the following?
Films / Comics / Prime TV Series e.g Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad?

Which kind of genres do you favour?
Action / Adventure / MMO / Roleplaying / Simulation / Strategy / Comedy / Music / Horror / FPS / Shooter / Fighting / Sandbox / RTS

Are there any other genres of games you are fond of?

Why do you play video games?

Have you played a video game with mature themes?
Yes / No

Do you actively play any games with mature themes?
Yes / No

If so, why?

If not, why?

Do you feel it is important to associate or relate to the characters in the game?

Is character development and storytelling in the game something you play it for?

Do realism and escapism play any part in your choice of games?

Did you play any games with mature themes as a child?

If so, which games?

Why do you think they did – or did not affect you?

Did your parents or guardians play a role in this?

What video games would you recommend?

Has the presence of video games affected your personal life?
Yes / No

If so, how?

Have video games played a part in your personal philosophical, religious, educational or moral development?

Do you attribute video games for shaping your personality, attitude and characteristics in any other way?

Have these changes been for the better or for the worse?

If so, which video games had impact on you and why?

Are you a parent or legal guardian?
Yes / No

If so, would you consider buying a game rated beyond the recommended age for your child?
Yes / No

If so, why?

If not, why?

Do you think video games are portrayed fairly in the media?

Are you aware of ESRB ratings on video games and what they cover?

What do you think of violence, horror, sex, racism and fear as themes in a video game? E.g when do you consider them appropriate or inappropriate? Are there any cases where it is too graphic or too prominent? Are there any where they are used wisely to facilitate the progression of the story?

What responsibilities do you think the games industry has concerning mature themes, if any?

What responsibilities do you have as a consumer and / or gamer, if any?

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