Monday 31 October 2011

Metal Gear Solid Animation

I came across a fan-produced animated short from TheDuoGroup. It is based on the Metal Gear series. I like the style of animation as a method of storytelling and portraying the narrative as the past, rather than the present or future, despite what we see is happening in the present. Most of the shots consist of pictures that seem painted, the landscapes and characters artistically depicted, rather than finely detailed for a sense of realism. What I also like about the animation is the effects used over it that arn't hand drawn that do add a sense of realism to the animation such as the warmth breath in the cold air, the snowfall and the sound effects.

I think this is a well considered and enjoyable animation, and whilst not exceptional, it is admirable and praiseworthy. What I would do to improve it is add a few more scenes and slides dedicated to showing the progression of character movement. For example, the part where the infiltrator raises his hands. This may have been an intentional decision to leave out this animation as part of the artstyle, but my preferance would be to have more movement.


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