Wednesday 19 October 2011

An Inspirational Concept Artist 4 - Yuji Shinkawa, Character Progression

Japanese artist Yuji Shinkawa produces concept art for one of the most successful and one of my personal favourite game franchises of all time; Metal Gear Solid. The artwork is unique and has an instantly distinguishable stylisation. This is primarily what I like about his work the most. As a concept artist I feel his work is more agreeable as conceptual, because of the somewhat vague portrayals of the subjects in his art. The reason behind why I feel this works well is because it connotates movement and action, rather than a standstill, posed picture. It also allows the viewer to form their own conceptions of the subject.

Shinkawa is definately one of my most idolized concept artists for his contributions to the Metal Gear Franchise and portrays protagonist Snake exceptionally well, and is interoperated in-game just as he is depicted in the work, without any personality missing.

On my project, I've gone a good distance and developed this picture that portrays Dorian and reflects his evil personality, to better convey his nature and dark aspirations. I made the background with a photoshop filter effect used in combination with gradient and brush effects. I produced the fire effect by using a photo of a large fire and erasing it until I achieved the desired effect.

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