Thursday 6 October 2011

Dorian's Progression

The character's backstory is fully fleshed out and each perk, characteristic and noticable feature Dorian has can be explained and has a detailed history. I have also come a long way in how I portray Dorian, as I had some trouble conveying his malevolent nature. However, by hiding his eyes he has a much more mysterious appeal. I produced some T-pose pictures using photoshop that I believe portray him very well. The front-view was much quicker and easier to produce given I produced the side-view first and got more experience with using photoshop to fully produce images.

The pose from behind was relatively easy, if not overly simplistic to produce. given he wears a cloak. When I come to produce it I decided I would likely add some sort of detail as I did with the grey sleeveless jacket Dorian wears under the black robe, but instead went with a shading effect that illustrated the cloak well, by demonstrating some sort of movement.

I also learned that Dorian's primary stylised image and recognizability comes from his hat; that even as a silhouette, one would recognize him if he had the hat on.

Here are my 6 favourite images from my outing to the mueseum, as well as why I believe they were the most helpful.

The architecture in the first photo had me thinking of the Victorian times- regardless of whether it was the Victorian era or not, it undoubtedly helped. The second photo seems like a private study, where I got the idea of Dorian being a studious, smart person. The fourth photo gave me the idea he might have a large house, mansion, or manor as his home, and that he is very wealthy - the idea of which came from that photo and the fifth photo. The sixth photo, of the stained glass windows, seemed to have old family crests on it, and inspired me with the idea that my character could be noble born and upper class. The third photo I disregarded at first but now I consider it important because of it's realistic portrayal of a man of the times, holding a dangerous weapon. I took many photos of guns and considered giving Dorian a gun but decided he would use magic in a place.

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