Monday 24 March 2014

Animation - The Story

So I have been developing what actually happens in the animation concerning the characters and the environment. I need to come up with a storyboard and / or animation to make it final, but the ideas I have in mind are as follows. The story of the animation will be a day in the life of one of the poltergeists. Sent into space in a lone craft, he is called in and directed to land on a nearby moon, after a celestialite deposit is detected in an asteroid that landed on it a few days ago.

Landing, the poltergeist exits the craft and surveys the surface for a while, referring to a visual user interface brought up by a device worn around his arm. He notices a crack in the surface that leads into an underground cave, inspecting it before jumping down into it. He searches round there before he locates the celestialite deposit. However, shortly afterwards he is attacked by the nightmare, which had been lying in wait.

He manages to notice it at the last moment and jumps to avoid it. They stare each other down for a moment before it attacks again. The poltergeist jumps back out of the cave and onto the surface. He interacts with his arm device but the nightmare quickly jumps out and hits him with it's tail, sending him into some rocks. The nightmare charges to attack, but the poltergeist readies his arm laser and fires it at the nightmare before jumping. The nightmare smashes head first into the rocks and dies.

The poltergeist lands and interacts with his armband one last time, signalling that a threat has been dealt with and the location is safe to collect the celestialite somehow.

This all needs to be condensed or expanded into at least 2 minutes of animation. I am planning to produce animation cycles to keep characters and environment seperate so that they are easier to edit, but already I am seeing the kinds of animation I will need to make.

For the poltergeist, walking whilst searching, jumping, running, firing his laser and interacting with his armband. For the nightmare, attacking, crawling along the ground, bursting out of the ground, flicking it's tail. For both of them, smashing into the rock. I won't commit to this list just yet as some things may yet change.

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