Sunday 23 March 2014

Game Inspirations

I have looked at games as well as films when it comes to finding source material to draw inspiration and ideas from.

Global Agenda I have used before on other projects. When I think of futuristic soldiers, I think of the Agents from Global Agenda. In their respective setting they are dangerous beings fighting for freedom and independance. Humanity has survived a third war but liberty did not. Only the oppressive Commonwealth and the few factions it has left to assimilate have survived. Because no army can stand against it, resistance is waged with these elite operatives; so dangerous to the government that it has initiated it's own counter agents.

The similarities I have are the visual appearance and in some sense, the origin; as it is also the governments of humanity in my story that ultimately decide on the creation of the Poltergeists.

I've mentioned Starcraft II and the Spectres already. The visual design of the characters is similar to what I have in mind and wish to expand on; futuristic suits that feature a sort of luminescence, reminiscent of bio-technology, or simply technology that humans aren't in possession of yet.

Sam Fisher from Tom Clancy's spec ops franchise is also something I have used as a reference. Despite being set in modern times, it features the use of advanced modern technology. The black-ops appeal of the game is also something I think the Poltergeists share as covert agents, operating under cover of darkness - or at least, the cover of anonymity and without record of existence.

Ultimately however, I borrow inspiration from whatever and wherever I can. even from games or films that aren't set in the future or don't feature many of the themes I have in heavy consideration. These have no discernible source and may simply be ideas that spring to mind after reading a certain word, or story, or seeing something in particular - sometimes they just crop up at random in my head. As always I put such ideas to scrutiny consideration and few are taken forward for further development. The most notable of these would be the name of the poltergeist character - which isn't a name at all, but a number, or a code.

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