Tuesday 18 March 2014

Life in the Universe

Whilst the first character in my story and animation will be a human, or at least a humanoid, the second character I have in mind for him or her to interact with would be an alien of some sort. It is a feasible choice for the setting but also appropriate; the alien has far more potential as far as design and animation possibilities concern.

They say there are either two truths; either we are alone in the universe, or we are not, and both are equally terrifying prospects for us. What is life out there in the distant corners of reality like? It could be that they are super-advanced killers, or it might be that in comparison to them, the humans are the super advanced killers. For example, perhaps our saliva is toxic or perhaps if they come from a very quiet environment, the sound of a human yelling at them could kill them. I'm not looking to break any standards with my animation though and it's unlikely something like this will make it into the animation.

But there is the debate of whether the aliens could be smart or not; whether they have a drive to exist and develop like humans do - perhaps these are the questions the humans could be trying to answer.

But I have thought about the situation in which the humans meet the aliens for the first time, and how that came to pass in the story, and ultimately shaped the situation we will see in the animation.

In my story first contact will be a little bit different. By the time humanity first meets extraterrestrial life, they have already left Earth and colonised the Andromeda galaxy over several different planets. They aren't friendly, either, and begin consuming the resource the humans use to fuel their civilisation in the absence of fossil fuels. The humans fight to keep their resource whilst the aliens do so to evolve and become more powerful and dangerous, partially inspired by this cinematic from Starcraft II. The zerg on their homeworld of Zerus prey on each other in order to grow stronger and evolve, and how they evolve depends on what they kill and eat. The main difference is that the aliens I have in mind feed exclusively off one resource, which evolves them very gradually and differently. Some might form wings, others might burrow underground whereas others might not have legs or arms at all, or have many instead like a centipede.

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