Sunday 23 March 2014


Some of the timeline detailing the story of the setting in which the animation takes place.

2099 - Earth develops warp capabilities one year before a multi-billion investment deal from public and private funding. Ghoste Aerotechology Conglamorate, who took on the responsibility of delivering, met the deadline a year early, and marked the beginning of the expansion of the human race into the rest of the galaxy.

2108 - A meteorite containing the first samples of celestilate land on earth and are recovered for GAC's warp-drive capabilities. Expanded upon, "jump-drive" capabilites are developed that exceed that of the warp-drive, allowing matter with mass to travel faster than the speed of light. Deep earth mining operations for more of this resource begin.

2118 - Jump-drive becomes fully developed. Space is heavily invested into for military, public and privatized use, and an all-nation government known as the Pantheon is formed under the GAC.  Space travel is publicized, private travel extends as far as the Solar System. "Pioneer" humans are bred, born and raised to be sent out into deep space to the nearest galaxy, Andromeda, and seek out an already identified and established planet suitable for life, but rights groups delay the launch. Deep Space Pioneer Flight Alpha-Alpha-One-00, or DSPF-A-A-1-00 is launched as the first space vessel sent out to colonize space.

2146  - War has not been seen since 2057, leading to decreased dependance on militry and the relocation of it's usual funding to exploration and research efforts by most nation's space programs. The Pantheon allocates each nation to research particular fields in order to encourage interdependance and cooperation with one another. Earth's climate is destabilized and the long-term effects of large scale core-mining operations for more celestialite are not addressed.

2179 - Earth becomes a dying planet. The Pantheon establishes contact with DSPF-A-A-1-00, which by this point has become a colony. This information is privatized as to not prevent panic as every availble penny becomes poured into a secretive evacuation project. Another secretive project to collect and database the entirety of mankind's knowledge is also undertaken.

2198 - Earth is abandoned, leaving roughly 90% of it's population on the planet which succumbs to war, poverty and the eventual decimation of the surface of the planet within a few years. The Pantheon is abolished. Those who are selected to board the flight to Andromeda Colony One are done so by their age, ethnicity, gender, field of expertise and other critertia to maximize the field of knowledge within the new humanity. 2 billion people leave on celestialite-fuelled Super Star Sailor class vessels on the journey to Andromeda.

2257 - Andromeda Colony One expands over the new homeworld of the human race, Adamete. The population rises steadily and Celestialite is harvested from passing meteorites in order to repeat another depleted core situation such as on Earth. More Pioneers are developed and sent to establish colonies throughout the rest of Andromeda.

2401 - The human race now spans seventy planets over the Andromeda Galaxy. Pioneers are developed and sent out to explore and settle on other nearby galaxies. The human population is at around 100 billion, and human anatomy has since adapted to be different to how it was on earth, adjusting to lighter gravity.
2550 - The first confirmed encounter with the Nightmares. 3 colonies fall before weapons technology and brought up to speed and a military is once again established for humankind to begin defending itself.

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