Monday 26 March 2012


Watching this made me feel like a child again and rightfully so, this wonderful 2D animation recaptures the brilliance and imagination of a typical childhood dream. I found the lighting in the opening minute to be really good. Watching this animation was both interesting and amazing. It wasn't a narrative that needed much explanation or reason behind it as it is supposed to be like a dream. It made a change from the rather action packed, dramatic, explosive and compelling story-driven animations and films I have seen lately and it felt good to watch something that didn't have too much meaning behind it besides what it is; capturing the essence of a childhood dream.

As people grow older people are less inclined to imagine and I think this illustration highlights this best. The world wouldn't be very mature if we all still acted like children, but it would hardly be a bad place, either.

The animation was made on request by the music composer, to be made as a music video. This explains the lack of sound effects in the animation and I feel it is worth mentioning that the music is very fitting.

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