Wednesday 21 March 2012

Graffiti and Street Art

Graffiti as a fairly modern medium of communicating, is well documented and under frequent use by advertisers and marketers, most often used for connoting urban lifestyle or city-scape products, as graffiti is typically associated with urban decay and rebellious youth that instead of being portrayed as a negative force is being embraced as positive energy. The art of graffiti however has been around since ancient times, defacing monuments and architecture with messages, most famously with this ancient Italian caricature of a politician.

Graffiti artists are now a part of popular culture:

Perhaps most famously

On April 2 2011 King Robbo sustained a life threatening head injury 5 days prior to his exhibition at the Signal Gallery. It is believed the injury happened as a result of an accidental fall. His recovery has been slow and as of October 2011 he remained in an coma. On November 2011 the Camden Robbo mural was painted over with a black and white depiction of the original with the additions of a crown and a can of spray paint with a hazard sumbol of a flame above it. It was done by Banksy as a tribute to him and as an effort to end the feud in a sense of 'lighting a candle' for Robbo who was still in comatose condition.

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