Wednesday 8 February 2012

3D Animation - Get Out

The only thing I found confusing about this particular animation was the end, but I don't give it away here. The animation itself is good quality, but it doesn't seem either narrative or character driven. Instead I feel that this animation is out to give a message, although even I'm a little vague as to what that message might be. It isn't a candidate for my personal top ten of animations, though regardless, it was still enjoyable to watch.

The animation artsyle reminded me of something I have seen before. Though I mean this in a negative way. Whilst I appreciate that the animation itself is quite nice, it doesn't offer me anything I haven't seen before.

Although, it seems it was made as a dedicated animated film to the director or animator's family, specifically their parents. I think this makes the animation worth it in the end as it has a deeper meaning behind telling a story or fleshing out the progression of a fictional character.

It was produced by, a French company, rather than a specific freelance animator.

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