Wednesday 8 February 2012

3D Animation - Get Out

Made by Kevin Parry, this was an enjoyable little stop motion animation. I haven't looked at stop motion a lot even though it is one of the most influencial genres of animation on me, with names like Nick Park having a big impact on my childhood. The film is very minimalistic in it's evironments but what I like most is the character expressions told entirely through their eyes and eyebrows, which is comedic but authentic at the same time. Kevin does a good job at bringing otherwise lifeless toys to life and we can tell what they are thinking regardless of the fact that there is virtually no dialogue.

Sound however, is crucial to the animation because of this. The story makes enough sense to be a story, but not enough to be a progressive narrative. It is hardly a Hollywood worthy script, but then again, it is hardly supposed to be Hollywood worthy to begin with. It was an enjoyable animation and made me smile, which is what it's all about at the end of the day, and inspired me to pick up my interest in stop motion again, or at least give it the same attention I used to.

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