Wednesday 8 February 2012

3D Animation - Little Tombstone

Another animation, produced by, I found this one to be much more preferably to Get Out. Not only since there is a little action, but the mood is more tense, the audience are kept guessing and assuming on what would happen, and not to mention the good cinematography. The narrative is nothing I've seen before, but I can hardly say I wasn't expecting what happened, it almost felt predictable. Regardless, the music score was great and the animation was beyond amazing, the artstyle captured the essence of Western films.

This website in particular has been very useful to me in gathering these animations and short films, and this is another hidden gemstone amongst short animations. Again I noticed the colour drain as the first man fell dead and remained that way throughout the rest of the film, the only other colour of note being red. The film was very reminiscent of a Clint Eastwood western.

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