Wednesday 8 February 2012

Toast Animation

Whether to class it as 2D or 3D I'm unsure since it's a mix of both. I decided to stop looking at Snotr and turn to YouTube, when I found this. Animation art by Geoff Mcfetridge.

I have seen some strange stop motion animations over the years but this takes the cake; not only is it done entirely by burning images onto slices of bread, but it is done so well you almost forget about the bread to begin with. The natural colouring also creates a nice atmosphere in the animation similar to a sepia effect.

The actual animation is not the subject of the video but the medium. It doesn't necessarily focus on story or narrative, character development or even cinematography, but does extend the message that to do an animation all you really need is a camera, and in this case, a toaster and lot of bread.

It makes an enjoyable watch and shows the advantages of stop motion, albeit computer programmes could probably fake something that looks real enough to be plausible.

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