Wednesday 8 February 2012

Maya Storyboard

Because I had made a car model I thought I would base my animation on a car. After a few moments considering and brainstorming ideas, I figured a way to introduce my car into a scenario that could be appropriately titled 'Little and Big'. The idea was that an arrogant driver would find a little but still dangerous canyon over which he would drive over via a ramp, then continue over to a bigger ramp and attempt the same thing - only he fails, and falls to uncertain circumstances.

The first thing I had to do was come up with a storyboard. I decided I would try and stick with the same camera angles throughout but in the end realised I would have to change some given the size of the map I had to make, and I had thought of better ways.

The plan was that the car would pull into view and the front tyre and bonnet would be visible next to a sign that would warn of the dangerous canyon ahead. It would then show the entire side profile of the car, then look above the car down the road it will drive on, and it would pick up speed as it drove forward. I skipped the third above the car shot because I found it a bit pointless and decided it would be better if the camera simply followed the car on from the side. The car then goes up the ramp and lands rather smothly. The axis I have on the car demonstrates how I originally intended to do this, similar to how I made the pendulum. However it was easier just to keyframe and graph edit it. Instead of pulling up and repeating the process with a bigger ramp, in the actual animation, he drives through a tunnel to where the dangerous ramp is - noticing, but not heeding the warning of the Big Ramp "Dangerous" sign. He goes up it but the ramp is so big he is unable to pick up enough speed and falls short of the necessary distance, falling to his .. well, assumed demise.

It's cartoon violence at best.

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