Wednesday 1 February 2012


It would be rude to speak of directing films and not credit or at least mention Hitchcock for his pivotal role in shaping the way films are directed today, establishing many foundations and essentially laying the brickwork for modern directing methods. The first work of Hitchcock I encountered was Psycho as part of a study for critical writing in English classes back in High School. I had heard about the film before, the famous shower scene and the music that played with it was something we had discussed before watching it and something I knew about way before even that, as it has become somewhat of a pop culture reference to anything scary.

I have expected the film to have little interest for me, given I was naive and unwilling to give any film without explosions a chance. However, I dare say this film by it's self introduced me to the horror genre and got me interested in watching more horror films.

Hitchcock's work I find inspring, in this sense, and my interest in the horror genre has grown since the day I watched that one film. I have also since watched Vertigo and The Birds. I find it interesting that he makes a small, cameo appearance in the films he makes as a pedestrian or just a stranger.

Hitchcock has been an inspiration and admiration for me. Other directions such as Steven Spielberg have also been influential but I would feel out of place mentioning the more modern, successful filmmakers without at least addressing the director who potentially gave them the ropes of directing.

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