Wednesday 14 May 2014

Early Poltergeist Model

These are some screenshots of the poltergeist model before it was smoothed. One of the mistakes I made was smoothing it early. At one point I thought the model was finished and went to smooth the mesh, only to run into more problems later and not have a more recent back-up version to start over (despite how many I had created for versions earlier on - lots!).

You can also see what happened to the boots when they were smoothed, which was why I only partially smoothed the mesh and left everything above the knee, exempting the feet, as it was. This gives it the chunkier, armoured boot look that I wanted. It simply looks strange whilst smoothed and didn't have the appeal I wanted. That said, I still think it turned out okay.

I found the arms difficult. I didn't mirror the geometry, and so each half was built on it's own - the whole model is built out of one cube, split with the insert split edge loop tool, extruded and deformed as necessary. So the arms aren't exactly like one another, but they resemble each other well enough. The right arm is different in the forearm because it has the device that will use the holographic information projector.

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