Wednesday 14 May 2014

Environment Details

One of the only things I added, in fact the only other thing I added to my environment plane with the DEM image was this geometry here. Although that isn't strictly true either, as this was an earlier version that I wanted to test idea with. I thought it would be overly complex to build the cave-in-the-floor look I wanted out of one piece in geometry, so I wanted to save myself time by building something that could effectively cover up the edges of the whole whilst still providing access and providing it's own aesthetic as an inverted crater - where the land has been raised around it. My way to do it was to create a pipe and deform it.

This gave me the look I wanted and saved me the time of having to sculpt the same look by inserting more edge loops around a single area and sculpting it out of the same plane.

I built stones and boulders too, but they have gone unused so far because I don't feel like they wouldn't have contributed unless I placed loads of them into the environment, which probably would have caused a polygon overload, and that the bump maps and textures I already had were enough to simulate the rocky surface of a moon.

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