Thursday 10 May 2012

Assets I Didn't Use

There are a few assets I made that saw very little or even no use at all. This may have been because of a change in ideas, a realisation when shaping the scenario or simply a lack of necessity. I used a wide ranged of assets and developed some late in the project, whilst some I worked on early on never ended up seeing any use.

Many of these were very insignificant; boulders, rocks, and bits of trash I originally planned to have strewn around the landscape to make it looked more lived in and rural. Some remain in the final scene but not as many as I originally planned. This was an asset I did use, but one I didn't use as much as I originally wanted to.

The bridge was one of the first assets I made. I was sure at the time that I wanted to have a small pond with a bridge over it. The player wouldn't be able to walk over it themselves so I made it as I made my 2D tree plane assets for distances to cut back on polygon usage, and made the bridge out of just three planes.

In the end I didn't end up using it because I had nowhere in the scene I had settled for to implement it, and I did not want to compromise the design of my environment simply to use this one asset when I felt I would have been just as fine without it, as it did not make that much of a difference.

Looking back I think I could have made it cross the lake in some way but I still think my environment turned out fine without the bridge.

I did use the shinto shrine at each end of the bridge, however, at the top and bottom of a set of stairs that I made that lead up to the nearby temple in the game environment. It's fair to say that I did make use of half of this asset after having made it, and the 2D plane imaging I also used in the trees and temples I used for distances. Whilst I didn't use the original asset, I used pieces of it, and the knowledge I learned after I made it came in useful later on.

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