Thursday 10 May 2012

Environment Music / Inspiration

Whilst developing my environment I did not solely refer to pictures; I listened to relevant and fitting music. As I like to mention, I believe the power of sound is very often underestimated, and music has always been a great source of inspiration for me, often more so than visual pictures. Music can trigger ideas and creativity in me and rather than question it, I simple nod my head and get on with it. It's hardly something to complain about.

That said, many songs I listened to were from the video game I played in my youth, Tenchu 3: Wrath of Heaven. It was a very fun game to play and pretty much cemented my interest in everything old-Japanese for years after, and even before I had an active interest in historical figures like the Shogun and samurai.

I listened to this music whilst developing the level and would like to think that it added atmosphere. I originally planned to include one of these songs in the scene but thought that a more simple song would suffice because it sounds more local and solemn, more appropriate than a fully orchestrated musical ensemble.

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