Wednesday 9 May 2012

Game Environment

Two early drafts of plans for my environment depict a lot of what hasn't changed besides perhaps the arrangement and the scrapping of some ideas. In the end I didn't implement a valley and make an abundant forest because I did not have the polygon count to account for these. I could not make the landscape as large as I wanted. I still feel I made a good achievement in fulfilling what I could of these plans.

The first one is an overview of the entire scene; everything that would be in the project. This consists of the locations of the village I originally wanted to include in the distance, notable mentions of a large cliff drop. As mentioned however, not much as changed; the player is still confined to their playable area.

In this second picture of the plan, it focuses solely on the playable area. This remains very similar aside from arrangements and locations of some assets, albeit I also scrapped the lowered down area on one side of the pathway. I also swapped the firefly lamps with flame lit lamps. Assets and props such as ropes and pots I made but didn't include or deleted in order to preserve polygons. Some props I did include as I felt they were necessary, such as the shrine and the shack, which I decided should be a more appropriately build house in itself.

This is a more accurate and finalised layout of my entire game environment, including the locations of hills, heavily forested areas, the locations of temples, shrines, lamps, the pathway, the fencing, the nearby temple and provides a very clear layout detailing the locations of anything notable. Another version of this focused on the player only area as done above I feel would be irrelevant as just about everything is covered here, aside from trivial assets such as rocks and flavour assets such as the paintings and chairs.

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