Tuesday 15 May 2012

Voice Actor - David Hayter

As with the two other voice actors I've mentioned, this one worked primarily in Metal Gear Solid and I don't know them for many other roles; but what I like about him is the distinguishable and unique nature of his voice and how well it fits the character he plays. David Hayter is another of my favourite voice actors. He also has a resemblance to the character he plays.

David says he feels great about portraying the voice of one of the most recognised game characters ever, even though one can get known for voicing any character, and that it is a good way to express himself. This demonstrates that even voice actors can get into character and connect emotionally to the personality they are being asked to, or trying to portray. Even here it's hard to imagine that he is the voice for Snake; his normal voice doesn't sound anything like him, but I suppose that's part of the voice actors job; being able to sound different.

David, like the other VAs, has also done normal acting work but it is his role as Snake that makes him most widely known. This goes to show that even voice actors can have breakthroughs by voice acting a  character just as normal actors can suddenly be catapulted to fame by a successful role in a successful film.

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