Tuesday 22 May 2012

Social Media Success

The lecture was about thinking, talking, learning, seeing, hearing connectively, being creative and looking at networks.

In recent times networks have expanded beyond electronic links and can now more accurately describe a vast network of socially linked medias and communications. Facebook is used for more than just talking to friends and keeping up to date. Every modern business and every famous person has a page for them or multiple groups dedicated to them, sometimes with hundreds, a few with millions of followers. Biz Stone, CEO of Twitter, refers to it as an information network, rather than a social network - as news is instantly broadcasted to thousands of people every second.

MySpace is similar but has a particular niche in recent times for musicians and songwriters to host their music and videos, similarly to YouTube. Flickr and Photobucket fill a similar niche for photographers wanting to share their photos, just as DeviantArt is home ground for many traditional and digital artists of an ameteur or professional level.

Skype is a software application that can be used to make free voice or video calls over the internet, and even make group calls and be able to host online conferences.

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