Tuesday 15 May 2012

Voice Actor - Quinton Flynn

I think voice acting isn't as important today as it will grow to be in years to come; film, games and animations are increasingly reliant on actors who are not seen, but heard. Quiton Flynn is one of my favourite voice actors because of the characters and work he has been involved with in so many different things I like; he has played Raiden in Metal Gear Solid 2, Reno in Final Fantasy; Advent Children, Kael'thas in World of Warcraft, as well as providing various and additional voices for countless other games.

The popularity of voice actors is on the rise I think; some claim it is very easy whilst others claim otherwise. Often, notable voice actors for films, games or animations have specifically been already famous people. Now, voice actors are becoming popular by themselves in their own right, and admired for their vocal talent and the range of voices they can use. Voice actors are well considered before they are approached for a a role. The same voice actors have played the different characters and it can be a long time before I realise this if the actor is good enough.

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