Tuesday 15 May 2012

Portal Live Action Film

I watched this a while ago and after recently re-watching it, it's still as good as I remember. Having played the Portal games myself I can relate to what the film is about in relation to the narrative of the actual games.

Watching the making of was fairly interesting but doesn't display anything new. I wasn't expecting much, given it is hardly a high budget Hollywood breakthrough of a film, but does show that even conventional methods of implementing special effects into a film can make a wondrous difference. The film doesn't focus too much on plot although it's clear there is a thought through narrative to the character and the environment, and I think it was made mostly for the viewing experience.

It would be cool to see a full length film of Portal. I think it would be a very interesting concept with a lot of opportunity for interesting shots and cinematography. It would be very CGI heavy and it would take a good story to give sense to the otherwise senseless using portals to travel everywhere, but if it were combined with a genre like crime, I reckon  a Portal film would be a good film if made feature length and high budget.

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