Wednesday 5 December 2012

Animating the Alien and Unity

When the time came to animate our alien models, I had encountered problems with my rigging made earlier and decided rather than try to correct them now and catch up later, I would make use of the demonstration model and animate that.

It was amusing, for one thing, to see the character I had animated duplicated several times over and made to dance, but it did provide insight into how to go about it and it was fairly simple.

Import that asset as an FBX (after exporting it in Maya with all the right settings - bake animations, select frames to be animated and embed media). In Unity's Inspector, I was able to chop up the animations by entering which animation took place during which frames, e.g the walk cycle was 1 - 100, the jump animation was 101- 200, and the creepy dance animation screenshotted above was 201 - 250. With a script, we were able to have the animations play randomly one after another.

This is the method in which we would produce the Unity turntables for our characters.

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