Wednesday 5 December 2012


When coming up with ideas for animation, it didn't escape us that we needed the appropriate sounds. Sourcing them from around the internet is a good idea if you're looking for a wide range of things, but we knew what we wanted and we needed it in high quality; and there is arguably no better place to get it than in the sound booth.

With the use of the computers, microphones and software available to us, we found appropriate sounds in .aiff format, which we were able to drop straight into Unity. We gathered and even created some music just in case we felt the need to use it, and many sounds; both ambient and for particular scenes.

We also recorded voices. I voiced the ninja character's single line whereas groupmembers Daniel and Andrew voiced the guards; Andrew voicing the one who ends up being killed by the ninja and Daniel voicing the one who catches the ninja in middle of a particularly dangerous act. We distorted the voices heavily in order to preserve the futuristic feel of the voices being changed by the suits the characters wore, and overall I think it worked. I think we're all quite satisfied with the sounds we gathered and the sounds we used, and I'm glad we gathered as many sounds as we did even if we didn't use them all.

It has made me aware of what a great facility the room is and I definitely want to use it more in the future.

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