Thursday 6 December 2012

What is Machinima?

I thought I'd do a blog on the various machinima I've seen.

Needless to say that over the years I've watched a lot of it, but these are among my favourite. These pieces were made from in-game graphics, but using custom animations. They were probably made as part of the game's advertising campaign targetting MMO players who were tired of the same fantasy setting.

This machinima piece, a full 90 minute movie made from in-game animations, locations, and lore of the World of Warcraft was produced and directed by Martin Falch. I'm quite certain I've blogged about it at least once already. I still find it relevant because in comparison to the machinima above, it is produced in a different way.

Finally there are the cutscenes-turned-bloopers from Metal Gear Solid 3, which I only found recently. As well as being hilarious, they count as machinima. Like the Global Agenda machinimas, they are produced from in-game graphics but with custom animations. The Metal Gear games are heavily story orientated and so have a lot of cutscenes. I imagine the character animators produced more animations for the cutscenes then they did for the actual gameplay. This serves to establish a 'playable cinematic experience'.

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