Thursday 6 December 2012

Animation Feedback

In a group crit session I recieved a lot of positive feedback on the ninja animations I had prepared at the tine; a run cycle, a sneak walk cycle, a charge cycle, a sneak idle cycle, a stood still cycle, a roof-drop and the 'no' animations.

The variety of the animations was well recieved, as well as the colour and textures of the model. The animation was also said to fit well with the model, which I attribute to my character referencing and research behind types of movement I explored in my concept art.

A few suggestions were made which I took to heart and eventually changed; adjusting the angle of the ninja's head during the sneak animation, raising the feet off the ground more, and that some of the animations were a little wobbly. I agreed especially in the case of the original charging animation and so made changes to the waist and spine controllers to not move as much.

Overall a good response I'd say, but I certainly learned you can always do a little more than what you've already done.

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