Thursday 6 December 2012

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeros, game or machinima?

Here's an interesting video about the latest installment to Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid franchise.

'Ground Zeros is a prelude to Metal Gear Sold 5 and features a brand new open world style gameplay never seen before in a MGS game. Built on the brand new Fox Engine gamers can look forward to experiencing the Metal Gear Solid Universe like never before.'

I'm not one for praising graphics as I understand that graphics are mostly a thing of the past, in the sense that they were once something to boast about. Now you would be met with an unwavering barrier of 'games are more than graphics!'. Whilst that is true and I am in agreement, I still understand that graphics are to be acknowledged, especially because we are advancing into new technologies, and now, new engines.

The way this video blends from in-game machinima to the playable game is so seamlessly done that I had to watch it twice. I believe this very well might be where the future of games is headed, without loading screens or waiting times that ruin or break immersion, but a seamless storyline from start to end like a film. As for the machinima, the greater half of this video, I believe it to be just as awe inspiring and that soon we may again see games developers locked in a battle to have the most triumphant graphics, last seen in the original console / platform debates.

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