Thursday 6 December 2012

Ninja Texture

It's hard to see where the boundaries for each area of the ninja are; but the legs are located to either side at the bottom whereas the chest is located in the middle, whereas the arms are located at the top either side of the head.

It took many tries to get the textures right and plenty of planar mapping. I wasn't able to fully unwrap the chest after hours of trying, so rather than waste more time trying to I decided to go ahead and correct whatever needed correcting with UV mapping.

Overall I felt that the environment was so dark that a dark textured character would be hard to observe in detail. At any rate, the feedback and general consensus I got on my model earlier is that it was well textured and appropriately coloured for the role.

I'd devote more time to texturing it better next time, but I felt like getting to the animation was more important and I think with the amount of animations I was able to get done, it payed off.

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