Wednesday 5 December 2012

Ninja Art

In order to help establish what kind of animations, poses, and overall role the character I was developing would play in the animation, I have a few more pieces of concept art.

This picture actually came to be used in the development of the game environment, referred to as the generator room. This room plays an important part in the narrative of the machinima. The ninja is shown hiding behind a wall.

Similar to something I remember from Splinter Cell and the Tenchu franchises, here the character is shown dropping down from the ceiling to take care of this guard.

These pictures helped shape the way in which the character moves, or rather, prowls around the environment, appearing only to dispatch his enemies and disappear back into the shadows.

To which point, most people might ask why he wears the red lights. Whilst it is mainly a design feature, and that so he can be more easily seen in the machinima, the lights are intended to change colour to blend in with their environment, so if he wanted to he could blend in against a wall of control panels and lights if he wanted, or remain totally hidden. They can also flash and distract an enemy, making it hard to pinpoint what part of the body they want to shoot at.

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