Wednesday 22 May 2013

Experimenting with Custom Brushes

I've recently discovered the power of custom brushes for use in my photoshop drawings. Some brushes can shave minutes or hours off completing a finish drawing by seamlessly integrating effects in the form of a brush into your art, or perhaps simply using strange brushes that give you interesting results when used in a particular way.

I made this very quickly to demonstrate; normally I would have had to devote hours to create something similar to this and it probably wouldn't have looked half as good. Custom brushes allow you to make additions to a scene and move at a quicker pace when creating concept art.

However it is at the cost of being able to design the plants exactly how you want them. Then again it' fully possible to erase leaves, or rub out a section of cloud and so on. So it isn't ultimately detracting to your own creative touch and if used properly can facilitate and lay great foundations for you to build on. I'll definitely be looking into acquiring more brushes, looking into brushes used by concept artists as well as how brushes can be used alternatively.

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